Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to The Creative Anything Blog!

A couple of months ago I wrote an article on the importance of a creative outlet especially when you are in the creative field. Sounds odd I know, but I’ve posted it below so you could get a better understanding of where I’m coming from.  It reads as follows:

''The importance of a creative outlet.

Finding a creative outlet is more than just a 21st century must have, it’s a life saver for any creative in the full time creative industry. I’m not talking about the guys who get to create mind blowing totally alternative solutions to high end-bespoke customers. I’m talking about the rest of us, that need to deliver for the sometimes conservative corporate. The place where budgets are top of the ‘to talk about’ lists, where ‘lets not re-invent the wheel’ are regular agreeing points in conversations, a place where individuality and uniques-ness refer to solutions and not ideas.

Great ideas are seldom born in the confides of white walls and 24” LED superiority. Great ideas like great stories, come from experiences. So sitting around your computer all day and all night is not going to give you anything great. The great things you’ll see are from other people out there creating the news. I was once told, that I should do something I had never done before at least once a week and that has been some of the best advice I have ever received.

Now among all our deadlines and timescales, I can hear you sighing ‘When would I actually have time for that?’ The trick and means to your sanity is to create that time. These new experiences you are going to fling yourself whole heartedly into, can be enjoyed with anyone. If your a family person, take them with, I’m sure the kids and your partner will be only to pleased to be able to experience life outside of the normality of their week. If you don’t need to think about family, then what are you waiting for!

Finding a creative outlet thats different from your daily creative work is essential to expanding your ideas and stretching your boundaries. Creative outlets do wonders in bringing down stress levels, freeing you to think wildly and imaginatively.  Finding that sole creative outlet, means experiencing them all. You’ll never know until you try it, maybe finding the perfect melody on the didgeridoo, opens the door to your creative hub.

So my advice to everyone is; to go out there and create news instead of just following the links to the next best thing.''

Go forward a few months and here I am sitting in front of my PC creating my first blog! It's all very exciting.  So to follow on with my theme of creative outlets, I've decided to take the plunge and start experimenting with new ideas and projects.

Which brings me to the second part of my first blog...

Ok so here goes...for years I’ve been wanting to reign in my drawing dreams and challenge myself to finally learn how to draw.  Although I took art in school it was never something I mastered in, patience seemed to be something that avoided me at all costs! I’m hoping that been a little older I might have gained a few years experience in patience and can give drawing another chance.

So I went out and bought the book “Drawing for Dummies’’ by Brenda Hoddinott.  It tells me that ‘I can draw!’ and that if I’m a beginner I simply need to follows this book chapter by chapter to learn all I need to about drawing!  So wanting to take the challenge and see if a book can teach someone to draw, I’m going to attempt to release my inner Van Gogh and learn how to draw with 24 Chapters in 24 Days!

Each day I complete my chapter, I will be blogging about everything I have learnt, any challenges I came across and just how easy it is or not, to learn to draw!  Hopefully anyone who ever wanted to learn to draw can now get a little advice, see the challenge isn’t that daunting and attempt to find their inner artist. So in the words of Einstein, ‘Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.’’  here's to creative outlets!

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